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Free Breakfast & Lunch

Free Meals for All

Beginning in September of the 2024-2025 School Year, all students attending Yamhill-Carlton Elementary, YC Intermediate, and YC High School will be eligible for free lunch and breakfast!* The State of Oregon and the National School Lunch Program have lowered poverty rates for the Community Eligibility Program, allowing this change to be made in our district. This program will be in effect for the next 4 school years!

Students who currently have a positive balance on their account may continue to use it for the Ala Carte Items or Second Meal purchases. Ala Carte items and Second Meal purchases can be purchased with cash if you do not have any funds in your account. If you would like a refund, please submit the Food Service Refund Request form.

Students who currently have a negative balance on their account are still responsible for paying off the balance. Payments can be made at the YC District Office, School Office, or online at

Waivers for Athletics, School Registration Fees, College Exams

Since Free and Reduced meal forms will no longer be needed, a waiver form is required for reduced pricing on athletics, student fees, & college exams. The federal poverty rates will be used to determine eligibility for reduced or waived fees. Your consent is required to share the eligibility results with school secretaries in order for them to apply the correct rates to invoices and fees. The waiver form is available here.

*A claimable meal at a school lunch is a meal that meets the meal pattern requirements and is served to an eligible student in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs