The following procedure follows the process for applying for grant funding from all funding sources . Commitment of the district resources must be considered when planning a grant application, as well as in-kind expectations, direct and indirect costs. This process will provide information to the Superintendent and Business Office regarding grants that are being pursued so the actions that may be necessary to support the grant application process can be determined. Proposals for external funds will be submitted to the Board for evaluation and approval per Board Policy DD – Funding Proposals and Applications.
A. Intent to file a Grant Application
1. Before submitting a grant application/proposal, complete an Internal Grant Application and ensure you obtain the pre-authorization by your building’s Principal. Upon approval by the Principal, the Business Office will facilitate approval of the Board and communicate this approval to Grant Applicant and Principal.
2. A detailed budget is included in the grant application (See example Budget). This budget sheet is a resource, you can upload another format.
3. Proceed with the grant application upon approval of the Board.
4. Submit a copy of the completed grant application form to the Business Office. If it is an on-line application, copy/paste questions and answers into a document to attach or print prior to submission.
B. Grant Determination
Grant Awarded – Submit the following information to the Business Office:
· Grant Award Notification letter
· Final Application and any/all additional documentation
C. Unawarded Grants
· If the grant is not awarded, inform the Business Office. The Board, Superintendent and Administrator who approved the grant, will be informed, and the file will be closed.
D. Project Manager (Applicant) and Business Office responsibilities
· The Business Office will enter a budget and assign accounting codes into the finance system and send information to the Project Manager and school secretary.
· The Business Office will support the grant Project Manager by providing information necessary to track grant expenses and complete reports when needed (i.e. financial information and reports).
· The Business Office will submit all Request for Reimbursements for grants.
· The Project Manager will work with school secretary for purchasing.
· Copies of all required grant reports will be sent to the Business Office to complete the grant file.
· The grant Project Manager is responsible for expending the funds within the grant funding period, tracking all expenditures, providing oversight to be sure grant funds are being expended in accordance with the budget narrative, and submitting grant reports when due. The school secretary can provide reports to help.
· It is the Project Manager’s responsibility to ensure compliance with the grant budget.
Please feel free to contact the Business Office for any questions and assistance you may need in the grant application and management process.